
Cages & Condos

In case you don't have a cage, or you need to upgrade, this is the page to visit. Below are some cage types, to help you decide what is best for you and your bunny. Aside from regular cages, you will also see custom-made cages, and bunny condos. Last, you will find pictures and links that help you make your own bunny condo from cube wire for about $60.

Occasionally I have a cage or hutch for sale, which help neuter a male bunny that can not otherwise get adopted, or cover food/gas/phone costs I carry by myself in order to help so many rescue bunnies.

Let me know what you are looking for, and I may be able to give you a cage or hutch in great condition for a really good price.

This is a small guinea pig cage. Some people use it for a bunny that roams freely around the house, and goes in the cage only at night, and the odd time when the whole family is away. A separate good size litter tray is often available for the bunny, who is usually litter trained. This cage is not suitable for a bunny whose owners are working or going to school daily and therefore are away from home many hours a day. Unless the bunny is allowed to roam around freely, while home alone.

This is the most commonly used cage, it gives more space, but is not too user friendly when it comes to cleaning. The wire top, the bunny and everything else have to come out each time you clean up. You can clean it with a small dustpan, or just take it outside and power-wash it with the hose. I  find that this cages do not give a lot of space and features. Usually I create an extra level (with plywood) half way, on one end of the cage. The bunny is much happier to have this always clean area to lay down, away from the wood shavings and food. Going up and down also gives some exercise and burns some energy of a very active bunny rabbit. Having that extra level is also very helpful when two bunnies share the cage. They can take some time away from each other, laying down at different levels.

This is a nicer cage, because it has a wire bottom allowing the poop and pee to go through, and the area stays clean all the time.. Moreover, the bottom plastic tray can be pulled out for cleaning - while the bunny and everything else stays in. Very user-friendly, but I still find it small and I like to create and extra level inside, with plywood. Also, I cover at least half of the bottom with plywood, as I find the wire mesh can be irritating and unhealthy to live on all the time.
I do not like these cages too much, they take a lot of space and do not give too much of that space to the bunny. They are actually smaller than the cage above, and there isn't enough height to create a second level inside the cage.
This is a 3-level rabbit cage, my favorite from what is available in stores. Aside from the multilevel, it also has the pull-out tray, which makes it easy to clean up. If your bunny is large and heavy, those wire levels inside will not be strong enough, but you can easily replace them with plywood.
I custom make solid oak bunny condos. If you are a little handy with tools, you can transform your own mini armoire or even a night table into a bunny hutch. You can use any kind of wood furniture to make such a condo, but there is nothing like real oak.
Do-It-Yourself: BUNNY CONDO from furniture
I like to transform solid oak mini armoires (or small entertainment centres) into luxurious indoor bunny condos. The bunny has three levels, two in the visible area (where TV was), behind the wire mesh doors. The bottom level is visible only if you open the first drawer's area, and is meant for bathroom. This level has wire mesh in the bottom to allow for litter to fall through, and collected in a plastic litter box in the middle drawer. The bathroom is waterproofed with ceramic tiles, to prevent infiltration of urine over time. The bottom drawer is meant for feed storage, etc. This hutch looks like furniture, and can be put in the house or in a covered balcony. Dimensions: 52 inch tall, 31 inch wide, and 19 inch deep. Being tall and slim, this hutch takes much less space.  
Do-It-Yourself: BUNNY CONDO from cube wire shelving
You can make your own bunny condo for low cost using  wire cube sets, usually without their  plastic connectors. Cube cages are becoming increasingly popular, both with guinea pigs and with rabbits. Rescue societies promote then heavily, because they are easy and cheap to make, and they give bunnies a lot of space. I have attached several cube cages pictures here, hoping they will inspire and motivate you to make your bunny a nice condo cage. If seeing these models is not enough, you can find details and even video instructions on the Internet. Here are some examples:
I have seen on the internet that people say they make these bunny condo for $15-$30, but it is my experience that the price is at least $60 or so, unless you find cube shelving in a second hand store or on Craigslist. Regularly you can buy a 3-cube shelving set (13 wire squares) from WallmartWallmart cube set. But you will likely need to buy some plywood or plastic sheets to create a bottom, as well as some inside levels, or you need another set of cube wire. Either way you go, it costs you about $60 plus tax, and you need a few hours to make it. I find that the most work and pain goes into tying the square wires together. You need some metal or plastic ties that are strong enough to hold it together, and at the same time soft enough to bend or tie by hand.

After going through the pain and seeing that the condo is somewhat too open all around, the bunny has no place to hide and feel safe, plus anything can come through and make a mess around the condo, I gave up on these all-wire condos, and I mostly just make foldable gates or play pans from those wire squares. They are perfect for that purpose.

Lately I make bunny condos with some wire and some wood. Here is an example. This cage has a middle level in the back, going all the way left to right, and a litter box collection area underneath. There is some opening on all sides except back, but it still gives some privacy to the bunny and contains the mess inside. or collects it in the bottom. In the front, two wire squares are held tight, while the middle one acts like a door, sliding left and right.